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The third Rakija Fest attracted many visitors: Rakija as a national brand!

The third Rakija Fest drew significant interest as it unfolded last weekend at CUE Podgorica hotel, in the Grand Room. This unique event delighted numerous visitors who had the opportunity, from 12 to 8 pm, to explore a wide array of exhibitors from Montenegro and the region and enjoy all the peculiarities of the queen of strong spirits – rakija.

“We are extremely happy with this year’s edition of Rakija Fest. We had much more visitors than in previous years, including 2019 when the first

Rakija Fest took place. This year, we had around 20 exhibitors who presented about 120 types of rakija. Among the exhibitors, in addition to producers, there were distributors from Montenegro, as well as countries in the region, primarily Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some labels came from North Macedonia and Italy. Of course, we would always love to have more exhibitors, especially from our country, and as many as possible from other countries in the region,” stated Jelena Gardović, PR and Marketing Manager at CUE Podgorica hotel.

“Rakija is a product that definitely deserves attention not only from Montenegro but also from the countries in the region. It’s a product that has been crafted in Montenegro for several decades, if not centuries, and therefore, we believe it deserves the status of a national brand, which we hope institutions will recognize at some point,” emphasized Gardović.

The richness of tradition and flavors offered by this exceptional beverage were recognized by numerous visitors, both from Montenegro and other European countries.

“I recommend your rakija, whether it’s Šljiva, Prepečenica, Dunja, or any other, to people from Ukraine and other countries. This drink is authentic for Montenegro, Serbia, and the entire Balkans. Rakija Fest is a great representation of all of this,” said Maxim from Ukraine, who attended all three editions of this event

Enthusiasm was evident among other guests, whether encountering Rakija Fest for the first time or returning for more.

“Such events are really fantastic, and if there were more of them, it would be even better. There is a great selection of rakija and distilleries presented here. It’s impossible to try everything they offer in one day, and it’s challenging to choose just a few rakija to taste. Still, this is a great

opportunity to talk to producers, see how everything started, and eventually buy a bottle to complete the whole story,” said one of the visitors.

Due to the good attendance and positive guests’ reactions, organizers believe that this event will become a good tradition in Podgorica, offering significant benefits for the entire Montenegro.

“Besides the fact that rakija brings people together, this is an opportunity for producers, i.e., distributors, to find new customers and clients. Our hotel contributes significantly because we believe that this event is truly worth it, and at the same time, we promote the destination, not only Podgorica but also Montenegro,” concluded Jelena Gardović, PR and Marketing Manager at CUE Podgorica hotel.